Did You Know?
Many years ago, Smokey the Bear reminded us that “only you can prevent forest fires”, and it’s true - people have a role to play in the prevention of wildfire. But other factors have contributed to the destructive burns of the last several years. As the incidences of wildfires increase and the construction of new homes encroach on wildfire prone areas, we look to tools to help us assess the risk. Two of the tools we have used to help determine areas of concern are Guy Carpenter and Risk Meter, both of which use catastrophe modeling to help plot historical risk and determine real-time geographical imaging to assess proximity to potential hazards. With these tools in hand, better management of policy placement allows for a greater reduction of loss which translates to cost savings for our insureds.
Help Us Help You – Installment Plans
Quarterly Pay, Full Pay, Quarterly and a percentage down? Which payment plan to select is always the question. If you have a payment plan that is exactly the same every time, help us eliminate that question by letting your underwriter know what payment plan you prefer and we can make that one less question to ask when writing new business!
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