Providing Casualty Capacity for Lead Umbrella, Excess Umbrella and Straight Excess Liability
If your business suffers a catastrophic loss, its survival often depends on the thoroughness of its risk management plan. We can provide you with up to $25 million in asset protection in the form of excess catastrophe liability coverage, to meet your risk management needs.
The Expertise and Flexibility to Handle Complex Risks
Whether you have a single location light hazard risk or are an area large-scale manufacturer or processor, our underwriters stand ready to promptly and decisively review your requests.
- Our unique Lead Umbrella form for transferring catastrophic risks includes many of the frequently requested extensions of coverage that you look for.
- Limits provided by our Excess Liability policy can protect you for covered loss above your primary policies or lead umbrella policy. Our responsive and experienced underwriters can custom tailor an Excess Liability policy for you.