Blueprint for Success

On the Risk Location page in our online system, GreatBuilderUSA, there are two important fields that need to be filled out, which will help determine if the location is protected or unprotected per underwriting guidelines.

  1. Distance to Hydrants: If a risk does not have a fire hydrant within 1,000 feet of a location, it would be viewed as unprotected.
    • In a situation where a fire hydrant is greater than 1,000 feet from a location, it is also valuable to know what the alternative source of water would be for the location if a fire were to occur.
  2. Distance to Fire Station: If a risk does not have a fire department within 5 miles, it would be viewed an unprotected.

This information can be added, along with any additional information on the risk, on the Comments/Adjustments page online in the Comment(s) to Underwriting box. This information is valuable when a risk is referred, and if this is incomplete, the underwriter will reach out asking for this information.