Happy Retirement, Ed!

Ed Moran will be retiring in early January 2022. He admits to mixed emotions regarding the decision, but Ed feels it is time to ride off into the proverbial sunset. He shares with pride that there hasn't been a day in his 32 years with Great American Property & Inland Marine that he didn't want to go to work because he loved his job and all the extraordinary people with whom he has had the pleasure and opportunity to work. He feels extremely fortunate and blessed to be able to say that.

Ed mentions often his good fortune to have met, work alongside, and learn from many smart, creative, dynamic, selfless, and successful individuals on both the Company and Agency sides of the business. He realizes there are too many to personally recognize here but wants all of you to know what a profound impact you had on him over the years. He expresses thanks and appreciation to everyone for the 32 years of fun, camaraderie, and life-changing moments.

We wish Ed a long and healthy retirement!

Ed Moran