Put Your Trust in Us
For more than 150 years, our customers have trusted us to protect what matters most to them. We offer specialized coverage to meet your business’s unique needs—giving you the peace of mind you deserve.
Financial Strength You Can Count On
When you buy insurance, you are buying the promise that an insurance carrier can meet its obligation to you. See why you can count on us to keep our promise to you.

Explore the Industries We Serve
We protect hundreds of niche industries with expert insurance solutions—giving you the kind of specialty support you can’t get anywhere else. Check out our strength of specialization.
Agriculture & Farming
Helping farmers and ranchers protect their farms, ranches, crops or animals.
Custom coverages to protect workers and projects from the ground up.
Nonprofits & Social Services
Industry-leading coverage to help protect those who improve our communities.
Specialized coverage for the commercial transportation industry
A broad range of specialized coverages to protect every facet of the manufacturing process.
One of the world’s leading providers of equine mortality insurance and related coverages.
Claims Excellence
When you need to make a claim, you want to work with experts who understand your loss and what to do. Our Claims professionals specialize in the markets they serve.
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Discover the Great American Advantage
With a proud heritage of business with integrity, Great American’s deep expertise and financial strength have laid a foundation of success that has stood the test of time.

Be Here. Be Great.
Whether you are starting your career or looking for a company to grow your experience, at Great American, you can join our more than 7,500 employees to “Be Here. Be GREAT!”