Great American Specialty P&C

P&C Tagline - For All The Great You Do

Agency President. Advocate for Winery Protection.

Larry Chasin portrait outside in wine field

Larry Chasin, Appointed Agent with Great American

Meet Larry Chasin, who experienced firsthand the human tragedy—and triumph—following the devastating Wine Country wildfires. Over the course of 48 hours, 172 wildfires burned 245,000 acres and destroyed nearly 9,000 structures. Everyone in the area knew someone who lost everything.

During this time, Larry took a boots-on-the-ground approach to help comfort his clients. His integrated field inspection team included building consultants, drone pilots, data collectors, claim adjusters and underwriters.

After the fires, the team visited a large Sonoma County winery client. The CFO asked if he should be nervous about his renewal. Larry explained that the team was there to help confirm exposures and coverages. When Larry presented his findings, the CFO explained, “No one has ever taken the time or energy to do anything like this before. I’m truly grateful.”

Larry believes that his business has always been about the people, and that it is important to form a strong bond with those he works with. For 20 years, we have collaborated with and stood alongside Larry. Our mutual trust, appreciation for each other and shared commitment to deliver on promises is the foundation of our relationship.

Learn more about our program business

Roberta Mike

Roberta Mike

Claims professional demonstrates compassion and empathy. Becomes champion for the injured.

Mitch Mouchabeck

Mitch Mouchabeck

Risk manager ensures the Y’s facilities are safe. Supports strong communities.

Jane Bracken portrait

Jane Bracken

IT Executive at Great American. Volunteer leader in Cincinnati.

Larry Chasin portrait outside in wine field

Larry Chasin

Agency President. Advocate for Winery Protection.

Jay Blake portrait in shop

Jay Blake

Race Car Mechanic. Inspiration for Many.

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