Environmental Training Corner

ENV Training Corner

This year, we are thrilled to introduce a new training section to the Broker Toolkit – Environmental Training Corner!

Each quarter, we will offer an educational webinar featuring information on our latest products, programs, or tools for our brokers to gain knowledge on all Great American Environmental Division has to offer.

Don’t miss out on the Underground Storage Tank Series! Scott Green, Market Area Director from First Environment, will join our very own Kirk Davenport, Divisional Vice President and Executive Underwriter, to deliver a series of webinars on Underground Storage Tank (UST) exposures and coverage. By joining each session live, you will have an opportunity to participate in a Q&A with the experts.

Did you know? Great American Environmental offers storage tank coverage? Check out our newest program, TankAssure®, for more information on coverage for both aboveground and underground storage tanks as well as our extremely user-friendly online quoting and binding platform!

Were you unable to join the first two sessions? Listen to the play backs below!

Session One

Introduction and Regulatory Updates

What Was Covered:

An Introduction to Storage Tanks
History and Current Information on Regulatory Laws
Session Q&A with Scott Green and Kirk Davenport

Listen Here!

Session Two

Financial Assurance and State Fund Programs

What Was Covered:

An Introduction to Financial Assurance
Reviewing State Fund Programs
Session Q&A with Scott Green and Kirk Davenport

Listen Here!

Session Three

UST Implications and Claims

June 8, 2022

Time: 1:00-2:00pm EDT

Scott Green, First Environment
Kirk Davenport, Great American Environmental Division

Review Befits of a Tank Policy
Discuss Potential Claim Scenarios
Session and Series Q&A with Scott Green and Kirk Davenport

Want to learn more about our TankAssure Program prior to the webinars? Check out the TankAssure program webpage for additional information.

great american podcast logo

We encourage you to take advantage of our newest resources such our recently launched podcast: Discover What We Cover: A Great American Environmental Podcast. Learn firsthand knowledge about our TankAssure program by listening to our latest episode!

Please feel free to contact Stephanie directly with questions!
Stephanie Stricker, Learning and Development Coordinator, [email protected]